Sunday, April 26, 2020

Momentous Monday - April 27

Click the link below the book to listen to Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus.

When you are done, tell a family member something that YOU would like to do.  
Think of ways to persuade him/her that you should be able to do it.

Let's get up and get moving.

We are continuing to work on Opinion Writing.
Let’s start with a lesson Beginning with a Capital Letter.
Click the picture for the lesson.

We want to highlight the Writing Checklist we use in our classrooms.  
It will be great to use this at home.

Use the dominoes we made two weeks ago (you can download below too).  
Pull a domino.  Tell an addition sentence about it.  
Flip the domino and tell another addition sentence.

Watch Add ‘Em Up

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