Sunday, October 19, 2014

Conference Week

This is an exciting week for teachers and students.  Your kiddos have worked so hard during the 1st quarter of school.  Now we get to share all of their growth with you.  Here are some tips for conference week:

Remember that the kids get out of school 2 hours early, so please make sure to be at the bus stop or in the car line 2 hours earlier than normal.

Please be at your conference on time and be ready to end on time.  The conferences are 20 minutes long. 

Please complete and return the conference survey.  We will make sure that is put in the appropriate box in the front of the school if you return it in your child's folder.

When you get home from your conference, please celebrate your child's accomplishments with him/her.  Also go over any areas that may need help.  This is a great time to set some goals with your child.

Friday, October 3, 2014

FALLING in love with Kindergarten

Is it really October already?  We are seeing amazing growth from your kiddos!  They're having such fun exploring the world of Kindergarten.

Math:  We're working on decomposing numbers.  One strategy we're using is Number Bonds.  

Here are some examples:

Reading:  Most of the kids know where the front cover, back cover and title page are, so knowing where to start reading is the next important step.  We have stressed that the kids should point under words and track left to right as they read.   You can help your child by turning the page and pointing to the first word when you’re reading books together.  Then build to letting your child point to the place to start reading for you.  

Science:  We have been using our senses to explore different characteristics of pumpkins this week. We began by hiding the pumpkin in a bag/box to let the kids guess what we had.  We played 20 questions.  Explaining that the kids should ask a yes/no question was a fun challenge!!  Playing "I Spy" with your child will help increase your child's ability to ask good questions. 

Coming Up:

October 4

Ridenour Fall Festival
11-1 pm

October 10

Pettit Creek Farms Field Trip

October 14

All fundraiser packets/money due

October 20-24

Early Release/Conference Days