Celebrating the past...present...future -
We're all so excited to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hayes!! We hope you'll be joining us on Friday evening. We'll be out in back by the track. We'll be getting crazy in the jumpies, eating hotdogs, cotton candy and other yummies, and exploring carnival booths.
Progress Reports -
Speaking of celebrating, we hope that you're celebrating your child's accomplishments in school by reviewing his/her progress report. Please sign the correct spot in your child's green Friday folder to confirm receipt of the progress report. Some things to review with your child before the report card include making sure that he/she can identify capital/lowercase letters and 15/75 of the sight words (which were sent home on Open House night), counting to 50 and counting a group of objects up to 20. One way to help your child when counting a group of objects is to have your child line them up and then push each item while saying only one number name with each.
Looking Forward -
We hope you've returned your permission slips for our fieldtrip to Pettit Creek Farms. We'll be taking our adventure through the corn maze on Friday, September 27. If you indicated that you're interested in being a chaperone, your child's teacher will contact you with more information.
Hayes Movie Night -
The PTSA is sponsoring this fun event on Friday, September 27 from 6:30 - 8:00 in the Hayes cafeteria.
Picture Retakes -
If you purchased school pictures and were displeased, you can return them for a retake on Tuesday, October 15. If your child was absent or is new to Hayes, he/she will also get a picture taken for the yearbook.
Fall Break -
Please mark your calendars for Thursday, October 3 - Tuesday, October 8. We will have a few days of vacation from school. It will be just enough of a break to energize us up to the Thanksgiving break.